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Unleashing Leadership Potential: My Journey with Johtajuusareena 2⁴

When it was announced that Porin Nuorkauppakamari (JCI Pori) had won the bid to host the Johtajuusakatemia event in 2023 (Johtajuusareena 2⁴), all of our members were happy and excited. I jumped at the opportunity to be part of the organization team, not even having any idea what I could bring to the table, but just wanting to be useful. After a couple of initial meetings, I settled into a role in the marketing team as a content creator, thus embarking on an exhilarating journey filled with creativity, learning, and self-reflection.

A Humorous Twist on Marketing

In my role as a content creator, I started coming up with many different concepts, and I would share these plans with other team members to make sure I was growing ideas that made sense from the Finnish perspective. As an American, it can be very challenging to realize what kinds of things will end up being relatable to Finns. To add another layer to that, I wanted to try to incorporate humor into the advertisements as well, which turned out to be a thrilling experience. 

Since moving to Finland nearly seven years ago, I have always been a student of the Finnish culture and sense of humor—and of course, Pori itself has its own dark sense of humor—but I didn’t want to let my lack of familiarity limit me. I had excellent guidance at my disposal. There was no shortage of humor and creativity among our team, but there was an even more abundance of support, especially from Mari and Essi. So much encouragement, constructive criticism, and that ever-so-important element of fun made the hard times easier and the easy times extraordinary.

Crafting unique ideas and translating them into reality has been a rollercoaster of enjoyment. My prior experience in content creation was a solid foundation, but this journey expanded my horizons and revealed that achieving the seemingly impossible doesn’t always require expensive tools or live actors; it requires creativity, innovation, a dash of humor, and support from the right people.

The Power of Leadership Reflection

Amidst the creative chaos, I took moments to reflect on my own leadership experiences. From being in leadership positions to following leaders, I pondered the qualities of great leadership and the pitfalls of poor leadership. What became clear is that leadership is not limited to formal roles; we all have the capacity to lead in our own ways. We merely require the proper mindset and encouragement. Attitude drives us; a positive attitude leads to positive destinations, and vice versa. Additionally, I tried to put some of this wisdom into the content I created. 

Johtajuusareena 2: A Leadership Toolbox

As JCI Finland’s local organization chiefs gather in Pori to glean wisdom for their 2024 leadership roles, I have unwavering confidence that Mari and the entire organizing team have curated a formidable toolbox for JCI leadership. This event has already sculpted remarkable leaders through its developmental journey. Now, it stands poised to chisel away at the potential of the 2024 JCI local organization presidents and deputy presidents, individuals who have already demonstrated their prowess in leadership by earning these roles. This is not just another leadership academy; it’s an opportunity to empower young leaders and create positive change, perfectly aligning with JCI’s mission and vision.

Unlocking Leadership Potential

In Pori, next month, participants won’t just attend an event; they’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, leadership enhancement, and lasting change. 

We are all leaders in our own right, waiting for that pivotal moment of transformation. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Yyteri Beach, Johtajuusareena 2⁴ embodies this potential. Just as beaches transform over time, so too will the attendees’ leadership abilities evolve during this event and throughout their year of JCI leadership. With each wave of insight, each grain of wisdom, and each shared experience, they will inch closer to unlocking their full leadership potential, creating waves of change that will ripple far beyond Pori’s shores.

Johtajuusareena 2⁴ promises to be a transformational experience, and I, for one, can’t wait to see the remarkable leaders it will shape for a brighter future.


Matthew Bowen
Johtajuusareena 2⁴
Content Creator

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